
We had our second annual block party (and) had about 300 people from the community come. We set up an I Am Second booth and had some of the video testimonies playing. SEVEN people or couples signed up to participate in an I Am Second group. These are people that have NEVER been to our church. We are a church that averages 120-130 in morning worship, so the possibility of adding seven families to our fellowship is UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Thank you for the I Am Second tool . . . I’m convinced God will use it to grow HIS kingdom and our church!!!Michael Porter, Lead Pastor/FELLOWSHIP OF GRACE / North KC, MO

My senior year of high school I accepted Christ in my life but somewhere along the journey lost touch with Him. Then last week…a billboard happened to catch my eye (and) I read the words, “I AM SECOND.” (Further down the road) I stopped at a Quick Trip and happened to look up at another billboard to see the same message. I knew it was more than a coincidence. (On the website I) watched the video from the Scruggs. As I listened to their story, tears began to fall from my eyes. I knew that God had reached down and spoke to me. He spoke to me through the signs you have placed around the city. I knew right then and there that I am on the right track now. This was no coincidence. I spent the rest of my weekend scouring through the website and watching videos. This movement and your signs were the strength and reassurance I was looking for. I want to thank you for that.Someone who just happened to look up

We’ve seen people come to faith and become part of our Church because of conversations that started from people asking, “What does that mean?”Jim Stewart, Pastor / Calvary Chapel

I am regularly asked about my I Am Second bracelet and t-shirt. and the reaction is almost always the same… bewilderment mixed with a look of wonder. Declaring that we are second to Jesus is a powerful antidote to the me-centered culture we are trying to permeate with the love of God.Brian Phipps, Pastor / Westside Family Church

I know for a fact that the “I Am Second” bracelets have given and allowed others in my congregation along with myself opportunities to share God or simply invite people to visit the “I Am Second” website. Thanks “I Am Second” team for giving us another great outreach tool to reach out to others! Ralph Eaton, Pastor

Using the I am Second tool for evangelism is as easy as playing a round of golf. On two occasions I have been simply enjoying a round, playing with my bracelet on and the guys I am waiting to advance or the guys waiting on me have saw my bracelet and asked “What’s that about?” And I was able to give them a card and direct them to the site. It amazes, me what God can do with our small efforts.Greg Ealey, Pastor / Paseo Baptist Church

The folks at Calvary Chapel are wearing the IAS bracelets and we have seen people come to salvation and become a part of our Church simply because of conversations that started from people asking “what does that mean”.Jim Stewart, Pastor / Calvary Chapel

Right after I started wearing the I Am Second bracelet I started having conversations about what it means in restaurants, at the health club, on airlines, my neighborhood and church.Gary Kendall, Pastor / Indian Creek Community Church

Several months ago I saw an email about this campaign and ordered a bracelet and t-shirt and was happy when they came a few days later. I then received another t-shirt and bracelet a few days after the first. (When I tried to send it back they) told me it was their mistake and to keep it. About 2 weeks later I was shopping at Wal-Mart and a woman approached me to ask about my bracelet and what it meant as she had seen a couple of billboards. I told her about I Am Second and what it meant and she asked where she could buy a bracelet. I told her I had inadvertently received a second one and that she could have the one I was wearing. She was very excited and thanked me. It was a nice way to end the day, I’m not a person who can usually just open up and talk to someone about anything but I believe God gave me the words and courage to open up and witness to this woman.Lori Kelley

Today began as a fairly normal day, but it was interrupted with two divine appointments.

I headed downtown for my weekly I Am Second Group at the 11th and Main Street food court. We have been reading through the book of Mark and discussing each chapter. I have been a bit discouraged about the group. It just wasn’t tracking like I thought it should. We had moved from Mike’s office to the food court to hopefully get more visibility, but that didn’t help.

As I waited for (one of the guys) to show up I sat down with my Bible on the table and started scanning emails. A 50+ year old out-of-work man sitting across from me named Mark asked, “Is that a Bible?” followed by, “What good word do you have for me today”? I thought, “I have 66 books, what do I tell this guy?”

I asked Mark if he had a Bible, and he said “no”. So, I went out to my car and got two I Am Second New Testaments and headed back to the food court. I knew Mark would be gone, but he wasn’t!

I asked him to open to the book of John with me, and we began to read and discuss what we were reading. What did we learn about Jesus? Why did the world not recognize him? I asked him what it took to become a child of God and he said to believe in Jesus. We turned to the front of the I Am Second Bible and, read the page entitled Life. It speaks to problems we have like addiction to drugs and alcohol. I asked Mark if he had struggled with any of these and he said “yes”. We continued to read the next pages entitled Desire, Satisfaction, Understand and Submit. When we got to the Submit page, I asked Mark if he was willing to read this prayer to God and submit his life to God. He said “yes” and he read the prayer! We then went back over every line in the prayer, and Mark again affirmed “yes”! As he read, I am sure the angels in heaven were rejoicing.

While talking to Mark, one of the building facility staff approached me and asked what we were reading. She looked at the Bible in my hand and asked if she could have one. I said “Sure, as soon as I finish with this man – you can have this one”. She said she would be back.

After I finished with Mark, she returned and told me a story about why she wanted this Bible. She had been to church with her Dad and the sermon was about the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ robe and was healed. She was amazed that although Jesus did not realize she had touched him, he sensed her need and healed her.

Reflecting on that story later, she said she was sitting on her porch, smoking a cigarette, thinking, “God, you are amazing”. It was then that God responded to her by saying two words, “I Am”. When she saw the I Am letters on my Bible, she had to have one. I encouraged her to begin reading from the book of John and meet the Jesus she heard about at church that day. She said she would see me next week.

Later, I learned from Mike Whitehead, attorney in our group, that he had arrived late, saw that I was reading with Mark, and instead of interrupting, went up to his 26th floor office and prayed for me. Little did I know that God was hearing prayers made on behalf of Mark and me as we read together His Word.

You never know when God might interrupt your schedule with two divine appointments! The I Am Second Bible is a great tool to allow you to simply share the gospel with someone.Dave Wooddell

Take a look at the 60+ministries already involved with IASKC

College Church of the Nazarene
Colonial Presbyterian Church
Indian Creek Community Church
Kansas City Baptist Temple
Kansas City Community Church
Lenexa Baptist Church
Life Church
Mid Town Baptist Temple
New Life Family Church
Northland Baptist Church
Paseo Baptist Church
Servant Christian Community Foundation
Servant Church, KC
Westside Family Church

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CHURCHES....Need help, training or coaching on how to effectively use IAS? Click here for more information.

Look Who’s Talking

"The folks at Calvary Chapel are wearing the IAS bracelets and we have seen people come to salvation and become a part of our Church simply because of conversations that started from people asking "what does that mean."
Jim Stewart/Pastor

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